Getting Started


Big fat “unfinished” warning: structa is still very much incomplete at this time and there’s plenty of rough edges (like not showing CSV column titles).

If you run into unfinished stuff, do check the issues first as I may have a ticket for that already. If you run into genuinely “implemented but broken” stuff, please do file an issue; it’s these things I’m most interested in at this stage.

Getting the most out of structa is part science, part art. The science part is understanding how structa works and what knobs it has to twiddle. The art bit is figuring out what to twiddle them to!


You’ll need the following to start this tutorial:

  • A structa installation; see Installation for more information on this.

  • A Python 3 installation; given that structa requires this to run at all, if you’ve got structa installed, you’ve got this too. However, it’ll help enormously if Python is in your system’s “PATH” so that you can run python scripts at the command line.

  • Some basic command line knowledge. In particular, it’ll help if you’re familiar with shell redirection and piping (note: while that link is on the contents are equally applicable to the vast majority of UNIX shells, and even to Windows’ cmd!)

Basic Usage

We’ll start with some basic data structures and see how structa handles them. The following Python script dumps a list of strings representing integers to stdout in JSON format:
import sys
import json

json.dump([str(i) for i in range(1000)] * 3, sys.stdout)

This produces output that looks (partially) like this:

["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",
"14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25",
"26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37",
"38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49",
"50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "60", "61",
"62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71", "72", "73",
"74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85",
"86", "87", "88", "89", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "97",
"98", "99", "100", "101", "102", "103", "104", "105", "106", "107", "108",
"109", "110", "111", "112", "113", "114", "115", "116", "117", "118",
"119", "120", "121", "122", "123", "124", "125", "126", "127", "128",
"129", "130",
// lots more output...

We can capture the output in a file and pass this to structa:

$ python3 > str-nums.json
$ structa str-nums.json
[ str of int range=0..999 pattern="d" ]

Alternatively, we can pipe the output straight to structa:

$ python3 | structa
[ str of int range=0..999 pattern="d" ]

The output shows that the data contains a list (indicated by the square-brackets surrounding the output) of strings of integers (“str of int”), which have values between 0 and 999 (inclusive). The “pattern” at the end indicates that the strings are in decimal (“d”) form (structa would also recognize octal, “o”, and hexadecimal “x” forms of integers).

Bad Data (--bad-threshold)

Let’s see how structa handles bad data. We’ll add a non-numeric string into our list of numbers:
import sys
import json

json.dump(['foo'] + [str(i) for i in range(1000)] * 3, sys.stdout)

What does structa do in the presence of this “corrupt” data?

$ python3 | structa
[ str of int range=0..999 pattern="d" ]

Apparently nothing! It may seem odd that structa raised no errors, or even warnings when encountering subtly incorrect data. However, structa has a “bad threshold” setting (structa --bad-threshold) which means not all data in a given sequence has to match the pattern under test.

This setting defaults to 1% (or 0.01) meaning that up to 1% of the values can fail to match and the pattern will still be considered valid. If we lower the bad threshold to zero, this is what happens:

$ python3 | structa --bad-threshold 0
[ str range="0".."foo" ]

It’s still recognized as a list of strings, but no longer as string representations of integers.

How about mixing types? The following script outputs our errant string, “foo”, along with a list of numbers. However, note that this time the numbers are integers, not strings of integers. In other words we have a list of a string, and lots of integers:
import sys
import json

json.dump(['foo'] + list(range(1000)) * 3, sys.stdout)
$ python3 | structa
[ value ]

In this case, even with the default 1% bad threshold, structa doesn’t exclude the bad data; the analysis simply returns it as a list of mixed “values”.

This is because structa assumes that the types of data are at least consistent and correct, under the assumption that if whatever is generating your data hasn’t even got the data types right, you’ve got bigger problems! The bad threshold mechanism only applies to bad data within a homogenous type (typically bad string representations of numeric or boolean types).

Missing Data (--empty-threshold)

Another type of “bad” data commonly encountered is empty strings which are typically used to represent missing data, and (predictably) structa has another knob that can be twiddled for this: structa --empty-threshold. The following script generates a list of strings of integers in which most of the strings (~70%) are blank:
import sys
import json
import random

    '' if random.random() < 0.7 else str(random.randint(0, 100))
    for i in range(10000)
], sys.stdout)

Despite the vast majority of the data being blank, structa handles this as normal:

$ python3 | structa
[ str of int range=0..100 pattern="d" ]

This is because the default for structa --empty-threshold is 99% or 0.99. If the proportion of blank strings in a field exceeds the empty threshold, the field will simply be marked as a string without any further processing. Hence, when we re-run this script with the setting turned down to 50%, the output changes:

$ python3 | structa --empty-threshold 50%
[ str range="".."99" ]


For those slightly confused by the above output: structa hasn’t lost the “100” value, but because it’s now considered a string (not a string of integers), “100” sorts before “99” alphabetically.

Fields or Tables (--field-threshold)

The next major knob that can be twiddled in structa is the structa --field-threshold. This is used to distinguish between mappings that act as a “table” (mapping keys to records) and mappings that act as a record (mapping field-names, typically strings, to their values).

To illustrate the difference between these, consider the following script:
import sys
import json
import random

    str(flight_id): {
        "flight_id": flight_id,
        "passengers": random.randint(50, 200),
        "from": random.choice([
            "MAN", "LON", "LHR", "ABZ", "AMS", "AUS", "BCN",
            "BER", "BHX", "BRU", "CHI", "ORK", "DAL", "EDI",
    for flight_id in range(200)
}, sys.stdout)

The generates a JSON file containing a mapping of mappings which looks something like this snippet (but with a lot more output):

  "0": { "flight_id": 0, "passengers": 53, "from": "BHX" },
  "1": { "flight_id": 1, "passengers": 157, "from": "AMS" },
  "2": { "flight_id": 2, "passengers": 118, "from": "DAL" },
  "3": { "flight_id": 3, "passengers": 111, "from": "MAN" },
  "4": { "flight_id": 4, "passengers": 192, "from": "BRU" },
  "5": { "flight_id": 5, "passengers": 69, "from": "DAL" },
  "6": { "flight_id": 6, "passengers": 147, "from": "LON" },
  "7": { "flight_id": 7, "passengers": 187, "from": "LON" },
  "8": { "flight_id": 8, "passengers": 171, "from": "AMS" },
  "9": { "flight_id": 9, "passengers": 89, "from": "DAL" },
  "10": { "flight_id": 10, "passengers": 169, "from": "LHR" },
  // lots more output...

The outer mapping is what structa would consider a “table” since it maps keys (in this case a string representation of an integer) to records. The inner mappings are what structa would consider “records” since they map a relatively small number of field names to values.


Record fields don’t have to be simple scalar values (although they are here); they can be complex structures including lists or indeed further embedded records.

If structa finds mappings with more keys than the threshold, those mappings will be treated as tables. However, if mappings are found with fewer (or equal) keys to the threshold, they will be analyzed as records. It’s a rather arbitrary value that (unfortunately) usually requires some fore-knowledge of the data being analyzed. However, it’s usually quite easy to spot when the threshold is wrong, as we’ll see.

First, let’s take a look at what happens when the threshold is set correctly. When passed to structa, with the default field threshold of 20, we see the following output:

$ python3 | structa
    str of int range=0..199 pattern="d": {
        'flight_id': int range=0..199,
        'from': str range="ABZ".."ORK" pattern="Iii",
        'passengers': int range=50..200

This indicates that structa has recognized the data as consisting of a mapping (indicated by the surrounding braces), which is keyed by a decimal string representation of an integer (in the range 0 to 199), and the values of which are another mapping with the keys “flight_id”, “from”, and “passengers”.

The reason the inner mappings were treated as a set of records was because all those mappings had less than 20 entries. The outer mapping had more than 20 entries (200 in this case) and thus was treated as a table.

What happens if we force the field threshold down so low that the inner mappings are also treated as a table?

$ python3 | structa --field-threshold 2
    str of int range=0..199 pattern="d": { str range="flight_id".."passengers": value }

The inner mappings are now defined simply as mappings of strings (in the range “bar” to “id”, sorted alphabetically) which map to “value” (an arbitrary mix of types). Anytime you see a mapping of { str: value } in structa’s output, it’s a fairly good clue that structa --field-threshold might be too low.

Merging structures (--merge-threshold)
