
The structa.analyzer module contains the Analyzer class which is the primary entry point for using structa’s as an API. It can be constructed without any arguments, and the analyze() method can be immediately used to determine the structure of some data. The merge() method can be used to further refine the returned structure, and measure() can be used before-hand if you wish to use the progress callback to track the progress of long analysis runs.

A typical example of basic usage would be:

from structa.analyzer import Analyzer

data = {
    str(i): i
    for i in range(1000)
an = Analyzer()
structure = an.analyze(data)

The structure returned by analyze() (and by merge()) will be an instance of one of the classes in the structa.types module, all of which have sensible str and repr() output.

A more complete example, using Source to figure out the source format and encoding:

from structa.analyzer import Analyzer
from structa.source import Source
from urllib.request import urlopen

with urlopen('') as f:
    src = Source(f)
    an = Analyzer()
    structure = an.analyze(
    structure = an.merge(structure)